High-quality kiosks and digital signage
Are you looking for professionally designed, versatile and service friendly kiosks, reliable and sleek digital signage or price attractive tablet displays?
At Digi-Kiosk we manufacture a complete range of kiosk and digital signage products to professional clients worldwide.

Affordable kiosks made in Denmark
Our kiosk assortment is among the most versatile, service friendly and affordable products on the market.
Our timeless and industrial kiosk design is in line with modern standard and the models are carefully designed to fit into any surrounding and environment.
All our kiosks are made in Denmark, providing priceless flexibility in terms of delivery time, service and support.

Are you looking for custom-made kiosks?
Feel free to choose from our range of standard models or contact us for customized kiosk devices.
We are a specialised manufacturer. Regardless of your request, we always consider all aspects of the kiosk design, construction and future maintenance and we provide you with a professional and industrial kiosk solution.

Professional kiosk manufacture with a strong international footprint
Digi-Kiosk is an innovative and dynamic kiosk and digital signage manufacture located in Denmark.
For many years we have supplied and supported numerous kiosk and digital signage professionals, in several parts of the world, with inexpensive and interactive kiosk solutions, digital signage and tablet displays.

Integrate your own monitor or hardware application
We don´t mind to integrate and adapt electric components or monitors provided by our clients themselves.
We simply design and manufacture the kiosk or digital signage solution to fit in line with the given dimensions and specifications provided by you. If you provide us with the elements of your choice, it will potentially reduce the total cost of your kiosk project.
Do you want to know more?
Our dedicated team of employees are always there to help you and we strive to find the optimal solution that meets your needs, no matter the complexity or scope of your request.
We speak English and German. Don´t hesitate to contact us at +045 21 84 63 84.

Choose the colour you like?
We offer to manufacture the kiosks enclosures and digital signage products in any colour of your choice.
In the paint shop we can mix more than 3000 colours and all painted elements undergo a highly specialised preparation and in-depth paintwork, before they leave the factory.
Our consistent workflow ensures a final finish characterised by a very high level of quality and consistency.